
Shogun 2 trade ships
Shogun 2 trade ships

Change to how victory types are assigned so that Heroic victories are a bit rarer (they're the most common now) and decisive / close are more common.Legendary force achievable in single player.Fixed triggers for the Elusive Strikeforce and Inspiring Counterattack achievements.Fix for battlefield dominance being awarded to both players.Slight changes to the intercept for igniting buildings.Fixed firing-arc overlay for blinding grenades to show minimum range.General fixes (includes single player and multiplayer fixes) Note: Enabling Anisotropic Texture Filtering on DirectX9 is not working in this update. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted.

shogun 2 trade ships

Updates to Total War: SHOGUN 2 have been released.

Shogun 2 trade ships